Leadership Team

Board of Directors

Dental Board Member


“VELMENI” is the Icelandic term for “robot,” and that name remains at the heart of the story. Creative vision and the desire to make life better for others inspire the work!

Office Locations

  • Silicon Valley, California
  • Orlando, Florida

      Improve detection accuracy

      Produce better outcomes for your patients

      Grow your dental practice

Help Create the Future of Dentistry!

A third of dental problems are difficult to detect with the naked eye. VELMENI’s AI-driven 2D and 3D radiograph analysis technology will redefine the process of identifying pathologies with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

  • Enjoy the world’s first and only 3D (CBCT) Dental AI. Reduce radiation exposure and produce better results.

  • Build trust and lasting relationships. Offer patients an instant, digital “second dentist’s opinion.”

  • File more successful insurance claims with VELMENI’s deep detection supporting your diagnoses.

  • Create comprehensive treatment plans by combining VELMENI’s analysis with information from your patient management system.

See more patients. Produce better results. Grow your practice. Keep your patients smiling.

The VELMENI platform is not intended as a replacement for examination by a dental professional or their judgement. Final diagnoses and patient treatment plans are the responsibility of the dental professional. This website may include features that are not approved or available in your region or country. Please contact VELMENI for more information. The 3D features are available for research and investigation purposes only, and is undergoing FDA clearance.

© Copyright:2025 Velmeni, Inc. | Confidentiality Notice: This document is strictly confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual property of Velmeni, Inc. Any disclosure, dissemination, or copying is strictly prohibited.